My flesh in hope doth rest

I recently came across these two lovely inscriptions, both in Lincolnshire Churches.  The first at Lusby on the Lincolnshire Wolds and the second is at Kettlethorpe close to the border with Nottinghamshire. 

The Lusby inscription once formed part of the memorial to Katherine Palfreyman, wife of a wool merchant Anthony Palfreyman, who acquired the manor of Lusby in 1545. Katherine died in 1555 and the touching inscription takes the form of a conversation between the deceased and her grieving husband.  Anthony finally died in 1590.

Lusby, Lincolnshire

My fleshe in hope and rest doth slepe
In earth here to remayne
my spirit to Christ I gyve to kepe
Till I do ryse again.

And I wyth you in hope agre
Toughe (sic.) I yet here abyde
In full purpose if Goddes will be
To ly downe by your syde.

The second monument at Kettlethorpe is a black stone tablet in the chancel to the memory of John Becke MA, rector of the parish.  He died in Mary 1597. It has a lovely punning inscription, recording his munificence to the parish.  He gave lands to endow a charity to support the poor of the parish. 

Kettlethorpe, Lincolnshire

I am a Becke or river as you know

and watred here the church the schole the pore
While God did make my springes here for to flo
But now my fountaine stopt it runs no more
From church and schole mi life is now berefte

But to the poore four pounds I yearlye lefte.
