Medieval polychromy
I can't resist posting these images of the fifteenth century arch braced ceiling at Holy Trinity in Blythburgh in Suffolk. The whole surface of the ceiling is covered in delicate polychromy, with stencilled monograms and stylised foliage forms. The colour and gilding, rather muted now in its faded state, would once have added a gloriously rich covering to this Perpendicular glass house. What more can I say, sheer perfection.
Photos by Eric Hardy
Its not a criticism - I am simply puzzled - but how does this type of decoration which would not be out of place in a Mosque, find a place in what purports to be a Christian Church?
I have noted all of your suggestions down and will certainly follow up on them. I love medieval churches and they seem to love me. But that is another story.
Thank you so much for your suggestions and if you have more, please make them. A younger sister has graciously offered to fund my next journey and I will also get the chance of visiting a niece currently living in Brussels.