Rood screen paintings at Quainton, Buckinghamshire

Quainton, Buckinghamshire, originally uploaded by Vitrearum.

All that remains of the rood screen at Quainton in Buckinghamshire are four little panels from the the lower solid part of of the screen, called the dado. Each panel is painted with a figure of a prophet. As you can see they are in the act of prophesying, are holding a copy of the scriptures as they gesticulate. They are not the best bit of medieval painting that you will find. The artist uses rather a limited colour pallette and in terms of technique they don't have the refinement of the screen paintings you see in East Anglian churches. Despite this I think they have rather a charm about them. Notice the backgrounds behind the figures, they are roughly painted then stencilled with stylised flowers.

Quainton, Buckinghamshire


Anonymous said…
The spandrel paintings are fascinating and SO rare!

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